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January 30, 2024

Optimizing Manufacturing Efficiency with Cycle Time

Why You Should Consider Optimizing Manufacturing Efficiency with Cycle Time

In the dynamic world of manufacturing, making things efficiently matters a lot. Imagine your favorite game of building blocks. Each time you put a block in place, that’s like a step in making something. Now, let’s talk about how fast you can finish building your block tower—that’s a bit like Cycle Time.

We’re going to explore how understanding Cycle Time, both for the big picture and each small step, can help factories run smoothly.

What’s Cycle Time?

Cycle Time is like the clock ticking from the moment your team starts building something until it’s ready to go out the door. It includes the time spent actively working on the product and the waiting time between each step. Imagine waiting for glue to dry—that’s part of the Cycle Time, too.

Process Cycle Time

Now, let’s dive a bit deeper into Process Cycle Time. This is like looking at the whole building process from start to finish. How long does it take from the first block to the last one? This is super important for figuring out how well your factory is doing.

Step Cycle Time

But, hold on, let’s not forget the small steps! Step Cycle Time zooms in on each individual part of making something. It’s like looking at how long it takes for each block to be put in place. This helps figure out where things might be slowing down or where we can do things better.

Takt Planning: Keeping the Beat

Now, think of Takt Time like the rhythm of a song. It’s the beat that tells you how fast you need to put those blocks in place to keep everyone happy. Takt Planning is about making sure you’re building at the right speed, matching the music to meet customer demand.

In CDS Mentor, users can easily capture the process cycle time, step cycle time for procedures –

Set Step Cycle Time in Studio

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View the process cycle time, step cycle time for their procedures in CDS Mentor — View Step Cycle Time in 3D Viewer.

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Remember, factories aren’t just about making things; they’re about making things efficiently and keeping the rhythm just right. Understanding Cycle Time helps factories run like a well-tuned orchestra, making sure everything is in harmony.

And just like how a conductor guides an orchestra, understanding Cycle Time guides factories to be efficient and successful!

Do you want to speak to an expert on using CDS Mentor to prove manufacturing efficiency with cycle time? Get in touch!

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About the author

Harvinder Narula

CDS Visual

Turn ordinary CAD drawings into dynamic 3D product experiences that captivate and engage your audience.


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