Accelerate Your Aftermarket Parts Business with CDS Partable for Salesforce Commerce Cloud
CDS Partable is an approved AppExchange app for Salesforce Commerce Cloud that enables an integrated spare part search which streamlines identifying, selecting and ordering of parts for industrial machinery and mobile equipment.
Spare parts ordering is time-consuming and causes customer dissatisfaction
Customers, dealers, distributors, and technicians are often familiar with the piece of equipment that needs be repaired and are able to identify broken parts. However, valuable time is often lost browsing catalogs, websites, manuals and other systems to correctly identify the part number that’s needed:
Customers often don’t know the part number for a replacement part.
Customers often don’t know the name of the replacement part
72% of buyers want more authentic product visuals to complete their purchase*
Count the high cost of lost sales from ineffective spare parts ordering process
Without an effective part search and ordering solution, you experience much higher costs in building and correcting ordering problems, loss of returning customer business and damage to your brand with customer dissatisfaction resulting from:
Incorrect orders
High rate of returns
Pre-sales phone support labor
Overall poor customer experience
Partable delivers a customer self-service spare parts search solution that brings down costs and raises customer
Increased aftermarket parts sales volume with lower cost because customers have a far superior experience and overall satisfaction selecting and ordering the correct part
Propel your aftermarket part sales to new heights
You’ll experience higher sales volume with much lower cart abandonment rates and because Partable makes it so much easier for your customers to quickly find, select and order the right aftermarket parts.
Increase your brand value
With the ease of searching and ordering followed by receiving the correct aftermarket part, your customers increased satisfaction will elevate the value of your brand and help ensure customers return.
Increased efficiency and accuracy
Partable’s much higher parts selection and order accuracy makes it possible to close sales with far less direct sales involvement, while also reducing tech support requests and part returns, lowering your cost of sales and support.
Streamline your aftermarket parts search operation
Partable enables simplified setup and management of your aftermarket part search data, making it easier for you ensure your shoppers have the best experience finding and purchasing the spare part they need faster.
Partable’s Robust Features Makes Store Development Easier and More Effective
Partable makes it easy when aftermarket parts are needed for complex products: Easier for you to develop and manage your parts store, and easier for your customers to find and decide to purchase your aftermarket parts.
eCommerce Platform
View CDS Partable on the Salesforce App Exchange
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