Have questions about 3D visualization and renderings? Like most people, you might be seeing them everywhere. When you watch a movie, there’s a good chance you’re seeing 3D renderings as special effects. When you shop for products online, you are most likely experiencing them as 3D rendering. In fact, the 3D rendering market size exceeded $2 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at over 20% CAGR until 2026.
3D digital imagery is everywhere – and if you’re involved in selling your products on the web, there’s an even better chance that 3D renderings can help you in a variety of different ways. But what are they exactly? And why have they become so popular? In this blog, we’ll cover some of the basics, and show how 3D can help your business.
How 3D Visualization Began
The story of 3D renderings and digital animation is the story of technology itself. With the advent of computers in the 1960’s, engineers, designers and scientists began to explore the possibilities that computing power made possible. William Fetter, a Boeing graphic designer, created a human figure drawn on a computer – an image that’s known now as Boeing Man. Soon, applications like Sketchpad were created, eventually leading to AutoCAD and other design and engineering applications which have helped revolutionize the way we manufacture and produce products. In entertainment and communications, 3D animation and 3D visualization soon became ubiquitous, with the release of Toy Story in 1995 heralding a whole new era for Hollywood.
What is 3D Rendering?
Essentially, when you create a 3D image, 3D model or 3D engineering file, you are adding a whole new dimension (pun intended) of data to your existing 2D file. Advances in technology have made powerful phones, computers and tablets fairly common, meaning it’s now relatively easy to render (and consume) highly complex images.
In general, there are several methods of achieving 3D rendering, including ray tracing, scanline rendering and others. Gaming and entertainment companies use non real-time 3D rendering to create the blockbuster special effects that keep us glued to our seats. But in eCommerce, 3D rendering is most commonly used for marketing purposes – especially to create product experience like 360 spin images.
Marketing In 3D
For any company that is actively engaged in selling or creating a product, from B2B eCommerce to consumer-facing retail, 3D visualization creates endless merchandising possibilities. In fact, it could be said that 3D visualization is beginning to revolutionize how we market our products – and it’s just getting started.
Consider that companies with highly complex, configured parts – like an industrial manufacturer – can now offer their customers the chance to configure, price and quote (CPQ) a photorealistic, 3D model in real-time and then place the order instantly, anytime and almost anywhere by phone, tablet or desktop. In retail, you can offer your shoppers to chance to custom build coffee makers, bags and more. And 3D modeling, in conjunction with augmented reality, is being used for training, virtual demonstrations, 3D home tours, and beyond.
The Benefits of 3D
Why has 3D rendering and visualization become so prevalent? Because the benefits for businesses are so impressive. Photorealistic, 3D images can actually be more cost-effective to produce then traditional photography. Since you can generate 3D models from engineering files, you can begin creating marketing material before the product is even produced. As digital files, 3D renderings are easier to manage and manipulate. Create one model, then endlessly change colors, textures, lighting – or allows your customers to change the parameters, since the increased engagement has been proven to lift conversion rates, time spent on page and repeat visitors.
Beyond efficiencies, 3D visualization opens up new possibilities. Create virtual 3D experience that your competitors don’t offer. Use 3D models in your marketing material and messaging. With 3D visualization, you can more communicate more easily – and more effectively. Ready to see how? Contact CDS Visual for a free demonstration.
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