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February 23, 2021

How Do You Attract Customers To Buy Your Product? Try 3D Configuration

Most of us are afraid of buying a product until we have first checked it out thoroughly, especially if we are paying a pretty penny for it. Now, thanks to 3D configuration technology, companies can ease their customers’ fears and increase their buying confidence.

With the help of 3D configurators, a customer can build out a product online to their exact specifications. Take the example of a kitchen cabinet. From the door fronts and cabinet shelves to the interior finish and the paint color, you can create a piece of furniture that is truly custom meeting your exact needs.

The result: a completely new level of customer satisfaction that can lead to brand loyalty.

By implementing interactive 3D configuration technology, companies can provide several benefits to their customers that will keep them coming back time and time again.

Enhanced Display of Product Benefits

Customers do not buy products because of their features but they buy them instead because of the benefits they attain from their use. With a 3D configurator, you can categorize different options and tailor those as benefits to attract buyers.

For example, if you watch a Gillette ad, you will see how their ads do not emphasize how many razors the shaver head has, but how close the shave will be if you use the product. Similarly, 3D configuration can be used to highlight the benefits provided rather than the features, helping to attract more people to your business.

Framing the features of a product as benefits can help customers make more accurate buying decisions as well.

Increased Quality Perception

Products that are configured according to a customer’s needs are considered to be higher quality, offering customizations rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. When a customer is directly responsible for designing a product to meet their specific needs, they create a vested interest in that product and are more likely to be satisfied with it.

According to Bain & Co research, customers who designed their own shoes gave brands a 50% higher Net Promoter Score —a score that rates customer satisfaction and the likelihood of the brand being recommended to another person. Companies that have a high NPS tend to attract more customers, have higher sales, and better lifetime customer value.

Better Value Perception

In addition to a higher perception of quality, customers also have a better understanding of the product’s value. When customers have the opportunity to create a fully personalized product, they are willing to pay more for it. According to Deloitte Research, one-fifth of customers who said they liked personalized products said they would be willing to pay 20% more for them.

Offering a 3D Configurator to customize products can create higher engagement rates across a business’s websites or e-commerce store, lowering acquisition costs while creating better value for their customers.

Higher Model Accuracy

3D configurators allow customers to completely customize a product rather than rely on pre-made one-size-fits-all option. A 3D configurator can help customers realize that there are plenty of add-ons that can be used to enhance a product and customize it to their liking.

Even if the product customization process is as simple as a change in color, a 3D configurator can provide customers with a true-to-life look of the end product, removing any buying uncertainty or the risk of errors. The real benefits of a 3D configurator can be seen when you are buying a more complex product, like a sports car, that requires a lot of consideration.

For companies, this means a lower number of returns and customer complaints, leading to an increase brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

The Wrap Up

With the right use of 3D configurators, businesses can attract relevant customers who are already actively looking for a specific product to fulfill their needs. 3D configuration offers endless personalization possibilities, showing the product in minute details and reducing customers’ concerns while increasing brand loyalty. For businesses, 3D configurators can reduce the cost of creating individual marketing content for each product version and combination, which can really ad up.

The interactive and engaging experience offered by 3D configurators can attract more customers, increase their satisfaction, reduce post-purchase dissonance, and bring them come back for more. If you are thinking about 3D configuration for your e-commerce store, visit us today at CDS Visual so that we can offer innovative visualization solutions for your brand.

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About the author

CDS Visual

CDS Visual is helping lead the digital business revolution for industries all over the world. Whether you’re an OEM or parts distributor, we will help you convert prospects into buyers – while reducing engineering costs.

Turn ordinary CAD drawings into dynamic 3D product experiences that captivate and engage your audience.


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