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November 20, 2020

Why You Should Use a 3D Configurator?

The up-close-and-personal experience 3D configuration offers has changed the online retail game forever. Today, online sellers are opting for more advanced images instead of traditional illustrations or stock photography to display their products online. The high-quality, detailed imagery rendered by configuration software is the reason why retailers are always looking for unique 3D configurations that they can utilize to attract customers – as well as retain them. If you are still confused about whether you should use 3D configuration, read our guide to help you make an informed decision:

3D Product Configuration

3D product configuration can bring your website to life in a way that was not previously possible. These tools can scale along as you grow your website and include more products in your lineup. The visual technology enables online retailers to add an oomph to their service by allowing customers to play around with the colors, materials, size and other variables in high-quality 3D as an alternative to the in-store, touch-and-feel buying experience.

The following are some reasons why you should use a 3D Configurator:

Generate Higher Profits

3D product configurators enable sellers to offer a customized experience to fit their customer’s specific needs. ERP integration allows sellers to plug the 3D configurator directly into their existing ERP, offering a more cost-effective solution and a higher degree of accuracy. Product bundling enables ecommerce retailers to combine multiple SKUs into a single configuration to help boost the average order size. The Integrated Bill of Materials (BOM) feature allows sellers to generate a list of parts or components that are required to build a particular product.

With a customized BOM, even the most complex item, product or piece of machinery can be broken down into its basic elements and materials and viewed in high-quality 3D should the buyer choose.  In this way, a 3D configurator allows your customers to know the nuts and bolts of a product, so they know exactly what they’re purchasing. This level of transparency increases trust, which, in turn, helps boost sales.

Improve Customer Experience

By using a 3D product configurator, sellers and retailers increase customer satisfaction tenfold. 3D configuration software allows any webstore to display their products in an attractive 3D environment, which is why 3D configurators are already being used in the realm of clothing, jewelry, building materials, case goods and manufacturing, medical devices, and many others. In fact, 3D configuration tools are widely considered to be the key to improving customer experience and sales. Butdon’t just take our word for it.

According to a study carried out by Salesforce Global, ecommerce revenue experienced a 20% growth in Q1 2020, which only means more people are opting to buy online. Since 71% of online shoppers admit product images are the most influential factor in their purchasing decision, it makes sense to trust 3D configuration to help boost customer experience and your sales numbers. In this way, 3D configuration tools are not only proving to be useful for online retailers but also for “ROBO” (research online, buy offline), which is a growing trend amongst consumers.

Shorten Sales Cycle

With the help of guided and real-time configurations, flexible pricing logic and eliminating errors, a 3D configuration tool can dramatically shorten the sales cycle from 4 to 6 weeks, reducing painful negotiations to one or two hours of personal meetings with the customer. According to a study carried out by Forbes, brands that used 3D configuration tools reduce their online return rates by 80%.

Ensures Customer Loyalty

Personalized products are a key factor in customer loyalty. Consumers are always searching for products that are unique and innovative and greatly reflect their personal style. No matter the industry, customized products ensure long-lasting customer relationships.

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About the author

CDS Visual

CDS Visual is helping lead the digital business revolution for industries all over the world. Whether you’re an OEM or parts distributor, we will help you convert prospects into buyers – while reducing engineering costs.

Turn ordinary CAD drawings into dynamic 3D product experiences that captivate and engage your audience.


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